Cummington's Soft Launch Starts The Week of March 23rd

  • Published 2020-03-23

Dear Cummington Residents,

We are writing to let you know that our town broadband project has begun with a “soft launch” of construction as we await completion of the make ready on the poles by the utilities. The first week of work by TriWire has resulted in approximately 18 % of the total strand wire being attached to poles! This is over 9 miles (out of ~ 51)!

We wanted to let you know that the 4 TriWire crews may be in your area over this coming week. This is the first step; next will be the fiber and the mst (connectors) and then finally installations. We will post where the crews will be every day on the main page of the town website under Recent News, as well as on both Facebook and Twitter.

You may well be wondering how the recent covid-19 pandemic has affected the plans. We are in weekly calls with both WG&E and TriWire to stay up to date. Although much of their office staff is now working from home, this has not affected the construction phase and the supply chain remains intact. We will see effects further down the road, as of course the home installations in other towns have been suspended for now and the timelines will need to be adjusted.

If you haven’t signed up yet or would like to change from a cold drop to an installation- please let us know or just go to Cummington Whip City Fiber to sign up or make changes


Cummington MLP

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